Sentence scrambler

    It has never been so easy to create a sentence scramble puzzle with the free sentence scramble maker. There are lot of free puzzles you can choose from and still you are able to add sentences or modify the list. But if you want to use your own vocabulary, no problem. You can type your own sentences in the list. You can change the degree of difficulty. With this option you decide how many percent of the words in the sentence will be shuffled.

    When a sentence is not scrambled well, you can right click on the sentence in the scrambled box and only this sentence will be scrambled again. Or If you want to scramble all the sentences in the list, then click on the button 'Scramble All Sentences'.

    You can remove all diacritics from the sentences. This makes it a bit more difficult to rebuild the sentences.

    I hope you like the free sentence scrambler. If you do, please share it with you friends

    Create your sentence scramble worksheet

    Sentence scrambler title:
    Remove diacritics:
    Degree of difficulty:
    1% 50% 100%

    Game Instructions:

    Excel export/import
    Puzzle management

    Terms of use of the edu games.

    1. You can use the worksheets for free for non-commercial purposes, such as in schools, training centers or at home.
    2. It is strictly forbidden to modify the worksheets in any way.
    3. You can place an image of the worksheet on a website, but you have to place clearly and close to the image a link to
    4. It is forbidden to place the worksheet as a pdf file on a website.
    5. You are allowed to use the worksheets (as pdf) in a closed environment for teaching purposes, as such Google's Classroom. As long as the school or institution is free for the students and that they have free access to the worksheets.
    6. There are no limitations on the numbers of worksheets you can create and download.
    7. You give the edu games website the permission to use your created puzzles. Your puzzle will be checked and if it is suitable for other users it will be published on the website.
    8. It is forbidden to embed into an i-frame of another website.